about the author

As someone with dyslexia, who has always had problems with reading and writing and who is now the author of three novels, I would like to say to anyone with similar difficulties that nothing is impossible. If you really want to do something, go for it! Who knows what you will achieve?

This book is the third one of a series of books about the adventures of The Six Macs. Each book has an environmental theme to it, where some of my concerns about the way we treat our world are aired. In my 5th book, the Six Macs become eco-warriors.

The environmental messages in my books are very light, making them fun to read.

About the Books



Coming Soon .....


Coming Soon .....


Coming Soon .....


Collapse of a glacier on the Marmolada mountain.

Events like the collapse of a glacier on the #Marmolada #mountain, which has killed at least seven people, are likely to become more common as the planet heats, according to scientists who spen ........

A Bad Fire Work Display

A 2020 study found that some fireworks can result in tiny particles of metals like lead entering the air. #Lead #AirPollution can lead to health concerns like cardiovascular issues and neurologi ........

The Whole story….. Day by day

He then tied his fishing rod to his bike and put the plastic bag with his ham rolls into his fishing bag. He jumped on his bike. It was all downhill for half the journey. Then, a steep uphill pe ........


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